National Nuclear Laboratory

NDA PhD Bursary – Details and further information

Funding will be available to UK academic institutions for PhD projects and ‘top-up’ funding for CASE awards and EngDocs in relevant areas. Only project proposals with a total cost to NDA of ≤£150,000 will be considered (exclusive of additional costs of any collaboration with US research organisations or access to specialist facilities R&D facilities for handling radioactive material – as outlined above). Eligible projects will include PhD projects involving universities or subcontractors where the bursary is used as a grant top-up to access national facilities for research involving the handling of radioactive materials. NDA does not stipulate how this money is to be spent and will not penalise proposals that utilise some of the bursary funding to increase the stipend to the PhD candidate.

To comply with the Government’s protective security procedures all employees/contractors will be subject to an Industry Assurance check and a level of National Security vetting. Proposals will be assessed by a group of nuclear industry specialists. Contractual arrangements will be administered by the Direct Research Portfolio University Interaction Framework contract holder (currently the National Nuclear Laboratory (NNL)) on behalf of the NDA.

Proposals must be submitted using the submissions site which is linked from the NNL bursary site by 15:00 on Friday 1st December 2023. Further information on the call, the assessment criteria and selection process is also available by contacting the administrator, Dr Mark Bankhead directly at the following email address ( and can also be found within the documents posted on the NNL website.

Attachments for the call documentation NDA Bursary Advert 2024

Supplementary material

Scoring Guide

Contract template

To submit an application click here

“If your application is focused on challenges more relevant to the Nuclear Waste Services RSO call, then please click here.
