National Nuclear Laboratory

Hot Robotics

What is Hot Robotics?

The National Nuclear User Facility for Hot Robotics (NNUF-HR) is a new facility, which consists of four partners each offering equipment and test spaces: National Nuclear Laboratory, University of Bristol, UK Atomic Energy Authority and The University of Manchester.

What does the facility do?

Hire out robotics and test spaces to academics, SMEs and industry for use in nuclear research. NNL’s Workington facility comprises of equipment and flexible floorspace to develop, test, and demonstrate robotic solutions for the nuclear industry. The research test rigs available at the site act as a link between low TRL robotics research and technology progression to TRL 6/7.

Why does it exist?

Robotics are used as a safe way to sort nuclear waste and navigate extreme ‘hot’ environments. Hiring robots, instead of purchasing them, is a low cost, low risk way to test ideas and develop solutions for nuclear research scenarios. 

How can you book out the kit?

Visit NNL Hot Robotics to browse our equipment. We will deliver the kit to you, or you can pick it up. For any questions or to book space at one of our sites, please email us:

Calls for access

There is a fund for nuclear related research projects called the Access Scheme Fund. Applications for projects up to £5K can be submitted at any time, and applications for project over £5k are considered in rounds (every 3 months).

How can you keep up to date with us?

Website: , LinkedIn & Newsletter
